
Ten nations along with NATO SHAPE and the Hellenic Ministry of Defense (HMOD) commit, through respective Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), to set up procedures for the implementation of cooperation between users and the AMSCC. The aim of those MOUs is the provision of service from AMSCC in order to support users in resolving strategic sealift shortfalls, especially regarding those arising from a need for rapid deployment of forces in the context of operations and exercises.

Specific aspects that must applied to the AMSCC service provided have been set out in detail in respective Technical Arrangements between the HMOD and the users. Those services definitely include coordination and cooperation of both sealift and multi-modal capabilities between users and the AMSCC.

In addition, an Administrative Agreement has been in effect between AMSCC and the EU ATHENA Financial Mechanism and an Exchange of Letters agreement with the European Defense Agency (EDA).

Currently, official bilateral talks with a number of nations are in progress to be joining the AMSCC.