Sea Lift

Market overview by collecting critical shipping market information in order to be able to provide users with market intelligence and advice. It is vital to scout the volatile spot1 market for trends. While the future can never be predicted with absolute certainty, present understanding of market trends, allows experts to estimate on how important indicators like freight rate, or tonnageavailability may be moving in the near future. AMSCC staff supported by HCS and HSA experts provide their professional insight on interpreting trends and locating opportunities for users.


Therefore, the role of market overview is crucial for two main reasons. Firstly, users have the opportunity to obtain a broad idea on how the shipping industry can support future transport operations, in terms of type of charter3, vessels availability and transportation cost. Secondly, critical updated information regarding the shipping market will definitely assists the development of a comprehensive Tender or Request for Proposal (RFP) in the context of a sealift bidding, that the AMSCC initiates after being requested by a user.


Another important part of the market overview is the monitoring of sea transport standards and regulations introduced by the International Maritime Organization. It is worth mentioning also that the AMSCC apart from sealift, supports also full range of multi-modal transport services on a case by case basis as applicable to users’ needs. Multi-modal transport involves sea, land and air modes of transport and of course interconnections within modes.


Bidding facilitation by undertaking the responsibility of sealift bidding procedures upon users request. In that case, the AMSCC initiates a bidding process in accordance with the EU Procurement Directive and the Hellenic Republic procurement legislation. In general, the six stages of a typical bidding process are as follows:


  • Tender or Request for Proposal (RFP),
  • Tender Publication,
  • Bids Reception and Evaluation,
  • Recommended Bid Announcement,
  • Bid accepted or rejected by the user,
  • Contract Implementation.


The aforementioned process shows that the user retains the option to accept or reject the bid recommended by the AMSCC. In case of acceptance of the recommended bid, the shipping service provider is called upon to implement the sealift project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. In case of rejection, the process stops with no other obligation from the user’s side.  Again, throughout the aforementioned process, the AMSCC is supported actively by HCE and HSA experts in order to make sure that the user is going to receive the best possible sealift solution. Bidding facilitation includes also support to preparation of the two most important documents of sealift transportation, the Charter Party and the Bill of Lading4.


Monitoring of the chartered vessel till the completion of the transportation is conducted in cooperation with the competent shipping service provider and by employment of IT means. AMSCC keeps user informed on the vessels’ track while they are underway.


Liaison officer provision by AMSCC if requested by users to support any sea or multi-modal lift operation.


1Spot market: Short term contracts for voyage, trip or short-term time charters, normally no longer than three months in duration.

2Tonnage: Vessels that carry any type of cargo.

3Charter or Charter-party: The nautical term for an agreement or contract made between a shipping service provider and a second party who wishes to use its vessel.

4Bill of Lading: A document issued by the carrier to acknowledge receipt of cargo for shipment.